October 15th at 7:00 p.m. - at the Andres Pico Adobe.

Do you believe in ghosts? Our October Speaker does. However, he was quick to explain that many of the ghost stories and urban legends involving alleged paranormal activity couldn’t possibly be true for various reasons. One urban legend involved a movie star’s ghost...until it was discovered she was still alive. Our October speaker, Craig Owens, author of Haunted by History: Separating the Facts and Legends of Eight Historic Hotels and Inns in Southern California, discussed tales about sounds and apparitions at the Hollywood-Roosevelt Hotel, the Alexandria Hotel in Los Angeles, the Hollywood Sign and even our own Pioneer Cemetery.

In addition, he said there are stories of paranormal activity at what is now the Van Nuys Elks Lodge, which started as an Oddfellows Lodge and served as a hospital in the 1940s. He also recounted where apparitions of various movie stars such as Marilyn Monroe, William Frawley (I Love Lucy) Lon Cheney, and Rudolph Valentino allegedly still wander. And, as in any good ghost story, there was a tale about a wandering lady in a Victorian dress…Thank you, Craig, for being our Halloween Spooky Speaker!
You can purchase his book at the link below:
Haunted By History Volume 1 by Craig Owens

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